
Video Tutorials

Add your roll to search engines

By default, your roll is not discoverable in a standard search engine like Google or Bing. This will allow you to submit your roll to the search engines so people around the web can find your roll.

Note: This feature does not guarantee that your roll will be found in a particular search, simply that the roll will be available to search engines for indexing.

1. Open the main menu (☰) in the upper-left corner of your roll and select “settings”. This can be done in either “edit” mode or “view” mode.

Add social media links to a roll

2. Next to “Search Engine Indexing” choose “edit”.

How to add social media links to a roll

3. Mark the check box next to “Share info about this roll with search engines.” Then select “save.”

Adding social media links to a roll

Note: A good description of your roll will help search engines identify your roll. You can add it by entering edit mode and selecting the description at the top of your roll.

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