Blog > New Year, New You: Have Fun Achieving Your 2023 Goals With Bublup

New Year, New You: Have Fun Achieving Your 2023 Goals With Bublup

January 18, 2023 /
The Bublup Team

It’s that time of year again! Every January, you’re given a fresh slate- another year to tackle your hopes and dreams, another year to work towards the ambitious goals you’ve set. It’s a time when you can either hit the reset button or keep building on your successes from the previous year. Whether your goals are personal or professional, there are several key factors when it comes to actually achieving them: small steps, consistency, motivation, and accountability. Well, consider Bublup your biggest cheerleader, here to help you every step of the way!

Step 1: Set the Intention

A goal is nothing more than a wish until you put it down on paper (so to speak). Setting your intention is a small but very important step! The more specific the goal, the better. Begin by making a dedicated Bublup folder for this year’s goals. You might call it “New Year’s Resolutions” or something more specific like “2023 Fitness Journey”. Within that folder, create a note (or two, or three!) and document your goal. In addition to the goal itself, feel free to jot down your motivation or your primary reason for pursuing this goal in the first place. Keeping that big “why” in a visible place will remind you why this goal is important and help you focus.

Step 2: Make a Plan

Remember, the key to longevity is to start small. Don’t overwhelm yourself! When it comes to making a plan, start by taking things one day at a time. Create a folder for every day or every week if you prefer, and use it as a place to brainstorm, document progress, and collect articles or other helpful resources.

Maybe your goal is to read more books this year. You could create one folder per week that contains a list of the books you’ll read. You could then create a subfolder for each book, and within it, save your favorite quotes or jot down any interesting ideas it provoked. You could even make an “upcoming” folder and save the links of the books you need to buy for the upcoming weeks and invite others to the folder that share the same goal and want to read alongside you!

Step 3: Positive Reinforcement

True or false: ticking something off of your to-do list is extremely satisfying. Yeah, we think so too. Other things we find satisfying? Aesthetically organized information, documenting progress, and the perfect emoji. Luckily, these are all things you can find in Bublup and they can serve as positive reinforcement to help you reach your goals.

Within your folder, you can create daily, weekly, or even monthly checklists to help you stay on track. The simple act of clicking a checkbox when you’ve completed a task is a reward in itself.

You can also make your digital space so beautiful with our various customization features that you actually enjoy spending your time there. Use our built-in image library to customize your folder covers and folder background. Be sure to choose images that make you happy or make you feel inspired!

Lastly, use our emoji reactions as a way to give yourself a pat on the back. Went above and beyond last week and completed five workouts, or signed three new clients? We hope you documented your amazing progress somehow, and adding the fire emoji to that item is always a solid choice.

Step 4: Accountability

Some people are great at holding themselves accountable- others not so much. If you fall into the latter category, consider asking for a little extra help. Any Bublup folder can become a Group Folder simply by inviting others to join. The purpose of inviting others could be several things. Perhaps you want a little extra encouragement – ask your friends and family to keep tabs on your progress and leave comments or reactions. Alternatively, the people in your life may have valuable knowledge or tips that they can add to your folder to help you along. Schedule a weekly check-in with your inner circle so that 1. You don’t slack off, and 2. You feel motivated and supported.

Now, you may be reading this and thinking it all sounds good in theory, but what are some real-world examples? Let’s dive into one professional  and one personal goal that Bublup has helped members of our own team achieve!

Professional Information Portal

Bublup’s Managing Director, Todd Kaloudis, is a proponent for using the app not only in his personal life but in his professional life as well. In particular, he uses the Teams version of Bublup as an information portal where he’s able to store reference material in one place.

He has numerous folders related to the various companies he works with, where he collects important research online relevant to each company. He then invites his team to the various folders. This builds up an ongoing repository for him that’s nicely organized of both confidential stuff related to board meetings, financials, and investment documents and also non-confidential fun reading.

By keeping Bublup open on his desktop all day, he has quick access to business content and also has a place to save things that he wants other colleagues to see. Todd’s favorite productivity hack is to use simple keyboard shortcuts like “copy/paste” to save email content into Bublup quickly. Instead of just forwarding emails to other people on the team and having related information in various places, he now has a way to organize and store topical content together in a single folder.


In 2021, Lauren Carey decided to hop on the fitness resolution train. Bublup helped her set her goals, track her progress, and stay motivated. She made a folder for every week, and documented her workouts as they were completed. She would save pictures and notes and detail what she did and how it made her feel. To her, documenting workouts in Bublup was like earning a shiny star sticker as a kid. If her folder was full of workouts (and therefore progress) she felt happy and motivated to complete more.

Additionally, she took the time to customize her folder covers and background so that it was a beautiful digital space that she enjoyed coming back to time and time again. She also invited others to join her folder, which in turn gave her a support system and group of cheerleaders that would leave comments and respond to her progress with reactions.

Read more about Lauren’s successful fitness journey in her blog post How to Stick to Your New Year’s Fitness Resolution here.


No matter your goals and aspirations for the New Year, Bublup has everything you need to keep yourself organized and motivated. Make your resolutions a reality and have fun while doing it by choosing an organization app like Bublup today. Best of luck with your goals- we hope Bublup can be a big help in taking you to the finish line!

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