Blog > Working Smarter, Not Harder: Leveraging Bublup’s Email Forwarding for Business Efficiency

Working Smarter, Not Harder: Leveraging Bublup’s Email Forwarding for Business Efficiency

September 06, 2023 /
The Bublup Team

Welcome to a blog that is all about working smarter, not harder. Are you a professional looking for ways to supercharge your work efficiency? If so, you are in the right place. Today we are diving into the world of Bublup’s email forwarding feature and its remarkable potential to transform the way you manage your business. If your inbox has ever resembled a labyrinth of unanswered client emails, project updates, and attachments, fret not – because Bublup is about to transform and improve your workflow. From managing your communications to ensuring you never lose track of a crucial attachment again, Bublup’s email forwarding is your ticket to a streamlined, polished, and visually organized digital workspace.

Picture this: you’re at your desk, juggling more tasks than a circus performer with a dozen plates. Your inbox pings incessantly and before you know it, your inbox of zero unread emails is now a jungle of unanswered queries, project updates, and newsletters you don’t even remember subscribing to (unsubscribe, anyone?). Not only is your inbox cluttered; it’s a productivity black hole that’s sucking your focus like a vacuum cleaner gone rogue. Direct your attention to these three areas for an instant efficiency boost:

Client Communication

Organizing client communication through email is a common practice in business, but it’s not without its challenges. One major issue is email overload; clients and team members can inundate your inbox, making it difficult to prioritize and respond promptly. Additionally, thread confusion can arise, leading to miscommunication when multiple topics are discussed within a single email thread. Finally, there’s the problem of version control, where different email exchanges contain varying information, causing confusion and inefficiency in project management.

Sharing emails into Bublup is a great way to centralize your client communication and connect emails with the resources and content they pertain to. With the ability to create folders for individual clients or even particular topics, you can easily forward emails to Bublup and manage everything all in one place. Your emails can sit alongside important notes, documents, contracts, and more. With better organization and increased visibility, you’ll have better control over your projects and your time. 

Attachment Management

Worried about emails with attachments? Don’t be. Bublup’s email forwarding ensures attachments are never lost again. When you forward emails with attachments, they will appear as a sub-folder within your “Emails” folder. The folder will contain all attachments as well as a PDF version of the email message. From there, you can move the attachments into relevant folders and organize to your heart’s content. 

Streamlining Project Updates

When it comes to project management, updates often arrive in multiple email threads from various people, making it challenging to consolidate and monitor progress. In a jumble of emails, you may lose track of iterations and what information is the most current. You may even miss messages altogether as they get buried in a stream of incoming mail. Email forwarding can help you manage the information in a visual and organized way. It allows you to keep a pulse on ongoing projects by moving individual emails out of your inbox and saving them in a centralized place that you can organize however you wish.

Pro Tip: use Bublup’s checklist feature to stay on track of your to do list.

Step-by-Step Guide: Setting Up Bublup’s Email Forwarding

Now that you can see the value that email forwarding brings to the table, let’s get you set up. We’ll outline the steps here, but feel free to watch our How-to Videos for a more visual explanation.

  1. Go to My Info. (The icon in the bottom-right corner on mobile, and in the upper-left corner on desktop.)
  2. Select Save Emails to Bublup from the Preferences menu.
  3. Enter one or more email addresses that you want to authorize for forwarding emails into your Bublup account. 
  4. From your regular email, forward any message you’d like to [your-username]@mybublup.com. Eg: if “JSmith” is your username, forward emails to JSmith@mybublup.com.
  5. Go to your Bublup Home folder, and click on the Emails button. Inside you’ll find the forwarded message saved as a PDF.  You can easily move forwarded emails from the Emails folder to other folders and keep things organized the way you want.

Pro Tip: Send an email directly to a specific folder in Bublup by doing the following: 

  1. Create a shortcut of the folder in the Emails folder.
  2. When you send an email to Bublup, begin the subject line with the folder name in brackets: “[folder-name] the subject line here”. Example: “[Travel Plans] Fwd: Tickets for your trip on 08/24/2023”

Now the forwarded email will appear in your desired folder instead of directly in Emails.

We hope this innovative feature will be a game-changer for your workflow. Email forwarding, with its ability to centralize communication, manage attachments, and streamline project tracking, promises to be an invaluable tool in your professional life. Think of Bublup as your trusty time-saving ally, one that helps you supercharge your productivity and effortlessly tackle your to-do list. Best of luck!


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