Examples of your work may live on a website, in a photo, in a video, or even in an MP3 file, to name a few, and it can be difficult to show it all off in one place. Enter Bublup.
While there are many options for making a portfolio out there, including a website or PDF, you can create a Bublup roll in a matter of minutes and showcase ANY kind of media type with it.
Many professions fall under the umbrella of “artist,” but these talented individuals all have one thing in common: they’re passionate about their work and love to create. If you’re out there painting, acting, sewing, designing, singing, or simply creating, you probably have some great examples of your work to show off.
They may live on a website, in a photo, in a video, or even in a PDF file, to name a few, and it can be difficult to show them all off in one place. Enter Bublup.
While there are many options for making a portfolio out there, including a website or PDF, you can create a Bublup roll in a matter of minutes and showcase ANY kind of media type with it. Bublup is an amazing app for visually organizing and consolidating your content all in one place. What’s even more impressive is the ability to take that content and roll it into a beautiful, single link that anyone can view. You’ll have a customizable, easy to update portfolio that’ll give you more time to do what you love.
Artists are using the app daily because:
- You can save links, photos, videos, notes, files, and more in one place.
- You can organize folders however you want: by date, medium, style, etc.
- You can show off and share your work quickly and easily.
- It’s collaborative. Any Bublup folder can instantly transform into a hub for brainstorming and collaborating with clients or other creatives.
If you’re ready to create a beautiful portfolio of your work, these four steps will help you get started with Bublup.
1. Gather Your Tools – Create Folders
Consider the work you want to display and the best way to organize it. Maybe you want to show off your work by project, medium, or personal vs. professional works. Whatever you choose, you’re going to want to set up folders to keep everything organized and easy to find. An example of a folder hierarchy that might work for you is:
Create Top-Level Folders
- How to Stay in Touch
- Live Performances
- My Art
- Press

Create Subfolders
Top-level folders can contain endless subfolders, so you can sub-categorize your work as much as you like. Bublup allows for flexibility based on your preference. For example, within your “My Art” folder, you might want to make subfolders. If you’re a painter, you might want to display your work by type and have folders for:
- Acrylic
- Watercolor
- Oil

2. Organize Masterpieces- Populate with Content
With Bublup, you can upload any type of media (images, videos, PDFs, music files, etc.) but also links as visual bookmarks.
As an artist and a creative, you’re likely dealing with all kinds of content. With Bublup, you can upload any type of media (images, videos, PDFs, music files, etc.) but also links as visual bookmarks.
Examples of items you might save for your portfolio include:
- Images of your work
- Videos of you creating or of your work on display
- PDF or other files with graphic design work
- Links to press about you and your work

There are multiple ways to add items from both desktop and your mobile device.
- The “+” Button
Anything can be saved by clicking the blue “+” button in the bottom right corner of your folder. Select the file type you wish to upload or paste a web link.
- The “+” Button
- Mobile Share Button
Adding Bublup to the list of apps on your iOS share menu allows you to quickly save anything from your favorite browser or app.
- Mobile Share Button
- Drag & Drop
You can save into Bublup by dragging and dropping items from your desktop. It is helpful to resize your browser window so you can see your desktop and your Bublup window at the same time.
- Drag & Drop
- The Built-In Camera
The mobile app offers a built-in camera that automatically saves photos and videos in your folder. When you’re on the go, use it to capture anything that inspires you or record some behind the scenes footage.
3. The Big Debut – Create a Roll
Your portfolio folder may contain information about yourself as an artist, photo and video samples of your work, and links to press articles- a thorough representation of your achievements.
Now that your folders are populated and organized the way you want, it’s time to create your roll portfolio. A roll is an instant web page that can be created with the click of a button but looks like it took hours to make.

Your portfolio folder may contain information about yourself as an artist, photo and video samples of your work, and links to press articles- a thorough representation of your achievements. Select “Roll An Instant Web Page” from the menu, and watch as your folder contents transform into a beautiful website. Rolls allow for customization; some options to think about are:
- Text edits for titles and descriptions to describe your work.
- Choosing a focal point or “Set Key Area” for certain photos so that they display exactly how you want.
- Choosing a theme that represents your content in a visually appealing way.
Check out this portfolio created by artist Jordan Monsell for some inspiration.
4. Sign Your Work – Advanced Personalization and Protection
Just like a painting, your roll may need to be signed and protected. Artists can use Bublup securely and for free, forever, but additional Premium account features may be of interest:
- Brand your roll (Premium)
- Add your custom avatar and your company’s logo to the footer for a professional feel.
- Disable downloads (Premium)
- Disable downloads keeps your work safe and prevents those who view your roll from downloading images, audio, and video files.
- Password protect your roll (Premium)
- Add a layer of protection to your roll by assigning it a password that only your clients or colleagues know.
- Change your roll URL to an easy link (Free)
- Rolls have customizable URLs that can be personalized to clients, projects, or events. For example, your roll URL could be: https://rolls.bublup.com/boston/artexhibit.
- With a Premium Bublup account, you can have three distinct and personalized domains. You may want to create a domain using your own name and one with your company name, depending on the content you’re sharing and with whom.
While there are many options out there for creating a portfolio, none are as easy and versatile as a Bublup roll. If you want to know more about the process of making your own portfolio, watch this five-step video tutorial.
If you have any questions or feedback about Bublup, feel free to reach out to us at info@bublup.com.