Blog > The Four Stages of a Fabulous Interior Redesign

The Four Stages of a Fabulous Interior Redesign

April 27, 2022 /
The Bublup Team
Four Stages of a Fabulous Interior Redesign

Spring weather got you itching for a fresh home interior? If there are lingering signs of the holidays around your home, it’s time to box ‘em up and usher in the season of growth and transformation. Having a clean space is one thing, but having a clean AND aesthetically pleasing environment to live and work in takes your well-being to a whole new level. So listen up because understanding the four stages of a fabulous interior redesign will help you organize and execute your next home makeover project!

Stage One: Compartmentalize 


Whether you want to tackle one room or ten, it’s best to compartmentalize your vision by room. We all know the key to staying focused and being productive comes down to taking things one step at a time, and in this case, it’s one room at a time. 

Capitalizing on Bublup’s visual and digital environment will help you keep your interior redesign perfectly organized. (If you don’t have a free account already, you can sign up here.)

Start by making a folder, for example, “Spring Home Makeover.” To do so, locate the blue + button and click “folder” to create a new folder. Then click “save”. Inside that folder, you can repeat the process and create individual subfolders for each room you want to spruce up. For example, “Master Bedroom,” “Kitchen,” or “Bathroom.”

Stage Two: Get Inspired

Every dream space comes together with the help of inspiration. Photos you’ve seen in magazines, on Instagram, or on Pinterest boards can all influence your style. 

Start by collecting your inspiration and creating a digital mood board. It’s probably best to create a mood board for each of your rooms, and you can do this by creating subfolders within a room’s folder and calling it “Bathroom Mood Board.” 

Get Inspired

Your mood board subfolder is the perfect place to drop those Instagram links, screenshots, blog posts, or other sources of inspiration that you’ve stumbled upon on the web. You can add descriptions to your items to remind yourself what it is you like or want to replicate. Having this content saved in one place makes it quick and easy to reference them and will help bring your vision to life!

Stage Three: Organize Your Action Items

Organize Your Action Items

Next up, it’s time to figure out your action items. You may be buying new stuff, upcycling existing stuff, or, our personal favorite, hitting up Facebook Marketplace for affordable, used decor. A Bublup folder is where you can organize all of your research and action items as links and checklists.

Try making a folder called “Shopping List.” Here you can save links to the items you need to purchase to create your dream space. Maybe it’s a piece of furniture from IKEA or the link to an item you found for sale on Craigslist!

Pro tip: Bublup’s checklist feature is handy for keeping track of things you need to do or stuff you need to buy!

If one of your action items is to revamp a piece of furniture you already have, this might be a great place to save the DIY instructions you found on how to do so. Or maybe you’re new to wallpapering! Pop in an instructional YouTube video to your folder for future reference.

Stage Four: Document Your Accomplishments

Who doesn’t love a good before and after? Don’t forget to snap some photos of your rooms before they undergo their transformation, and of course, after! If you really want to streamline the process, snap your photos using Bublup’s in-app camera

You’ll see a camera icon in the top-left corner of your mobile app. Tap the icon to open up the camera right within the Bublup app. Any photos or videos you take will instantly save to the folder you’re in, so be sure to open the camera when you’re in your folders. 

Document Your Accomplishments

Once you’ve created a folder of photos, you can create a beautiful Roll. If you don’t know about Bublup Rolls, they are easy-to-make web pages that display your folder content beautifully. No matter what kind of content you save in a folder, it will all be neatly organized under a single URL. 

Rolls are fully customizable with various themes, colors, and layouts to choose from. You can share the link on social media or send it around to friends and family dying to see your reinvigorated rooms!


Spring is the perfect time to refresh and renew your space. With the help of Bublup, you can tackle your project room by room and organize your inspiration, shopping lists, DIY instructions, and transformation photos all in one place.

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