
What’s Up With Bublup


The Best Way to Share Content with Anyone

On any given day, you might share photos, forward emails, present documents, share links, and then some. We’re always sharing. With all the ways we share our content comes familiar frustrations. Trying to attach a file to an email? File size too big. Trying to...

OrganizationProduct NewsProductivity

Calendar Reminders Have Arrived!

Bublup recently integrated with Google, Outlook, and other calendars, so you can create calendar events right from folders and items in the app. Now you will never forget about that deadline or event again! This feature is available exclusively on mobile; desktop reminders are coming soon.


The Benefits of Organized Spaces

Take a look around your home. How much clutter and mess can you see in your immediate living space? Perhaps you’re better than most and have already picked up your laundry and popped last night’s dishes in the washer, but what about your closets or your digital...

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