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6 Personal Development Tips That Contribute to Career Success

January 26, 2022 /
The Bublup Team
Personal Development Tips for Career Success

Most people want to be successful. While success comes from many areas of life, it’s career success that the majority of people strive toward. But how does one find career success?

The answer to that question is multifaceted. Being good at your job and hitting your goals certainly are a large factor. However, another seldom thought about part in finding success is your personal development.

Working on a few key areas and showcasing your personal growth are huge parts of ultimately achieving career success. Here are some personal development tips to help you on your journey to success.

1. Develop Balance

Finding a way to balance everything you do in your life is a skill a lot of people try to master. Doing so, though, will help you to better focus on what’s currently in front of you. For example, if you’re working on a presentation, but in the back of your mind you’re making a list of the groceries you need to buy, then you’re not giving the presentation your all.

It’s important to achieve work-life balance to help increase productivity, but it’s also important to help you keep yourself present in the different aspects of life. Not only will doing this help your job growth potential, but your family will be grateful for the attention you pay them instead of work on your off-hours.

2. Tame Stress

Personal Development Tips

We all know how present stress is in our day-to-day lives and how bad it can be for our health. Knowing it’s there and doing nothing about it isn’t an option anymore. Try different relaxation techniques to reduce stress until you find one that works for your personal lifestyle.

Not only is taming stress imperative for your health, but it can also help you find success in your career. Our jobs are one of the biggest sources of stress. If you’re able to effectively handle stress and produce well at your job, management will take notice. This makes you more promotable than someone who crumbles under the stress of a large important project.

3. Organize Finances

Another leading cause of stress is personal finances. Unfortunately, that major stressor can creep into our work and have a negative impact. By taking the initiative to organize your finances and ensure they’re in order, you’re taking the necessary steps to prevent that from happening.

One part to pay particular attention to is your credit score. Monitoring your credit score is important for both your employer and personal life. This is because your credit score is a good first indicator of if your identity has been stolen. Your credit score will lower if someone is taking out credit cards in your name and not making payments. This will impact your personal life when it comes to large purchases, like buying a house which requires a certain credit score. It impacts your employer because if someone has your information, it opens them up to be targeted as well.

4. Tackle Time Management

A part of personal development that is frequently mentioned as an area people want to improve upon is time management. Mastering time management is important to success, but there’s also not a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s important to try different techniques to see what works best for you.

Just like with developing work-life balance, tackling time management is something that will benefit your productivity at work and also your quality time with family. By effectively managing your time, you can be productive to get what needs to be completed at work done and give your complete after-hours attention to your family.

Tackle Time Management

5. Build Confidence

Confidence is a huge part in achieving success. It’s also something that can be hard to work on for some. We all have past experiences that impact us still to this day and thwart our confidence level. Look for ways to work on yourself and build confidence to become the best you can be.

Sometimes the only way you can build confidence is through positive feedback from others and new experiences. Make this known to your direct manager or supervisor. Once they know what type of support you individually need, they can give it to you and help tailor your work experience to your personal needs. From there you’ll feel more comfortable going to them and being open, especially if you want new experiences to help grow in your role.

6. Optimize Your Space

Optimize Your Space

Whether you work in an office or remotely, it’s important to make sure your space is set up for your personal needs. Having an optimal space will help to boost your productivity, focus, and lead to more career success.

In either setting, ensure you’re ergonomically set up for success. This means having the right chair and desk. Consider a convertible desk that can be used traditionally or for standing; this way you can switch between the two throughout the day. For a chair, you’ll want something both comfortable and supportive to prevent issues with your back and posture. If you’re remote, beyond the physical items, there are some must-have products for working from home you’ll want easy access to.


Success is something everyone strives toward. When it comes to career success, focusing on personal development can be the thing that sets you apart from your co-workers. Being well-rounded and showing the personal progress you’ve made in your life and career shows a level of focus and dedication that’s appealing and will ultimately guide you to success.

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