Blog > 4 Ways To Promote Creativity in the Workplace

4 Ways To Promote Creativity in the Workplace

February 23, 2022 /
The Bublup Team
workplace creativity

Creativity extends beyond the artists and inventors of the world. It’s an attribute that most corporate environments actually desire. The funny thing about creativity is it can be molded into any industry. From developing a new way to format a spreadsheet to taking a new approach in a marketing campaign, creativity is a driving force throughout the workplace. Whether you work from home or in an office, expression and innovation are vital in your daily tasks. 

So how can you promote creativity? Let’s take a look at four ways to express and nurture a creative mindset at work.

Dress To Express

Dress To Express

When it comes to individual creativity, there’s nothing better than using your body as your canvas of expression. For instance, introverts may feel comfortable wearing neutral tones and minimalistic accessories, nothing that makes them stand out too much. On the other hand, extroverts may feel confident in bold patterns or colors, eccentric styles, and fun accessories. By showcasing your personality through your wardrobe, you can feel inspired while inspiring others in the workplace.

So, where can you start on a smaller scale? If you’re not ready to fully transform yourself from head to toe with a new look, dip your feet in by being creative with your accessories. Eyeglasses are a perfect addition to your wardrobe with function beyond just style. Spice up your everyday look by investing in a stylish pair of eyeglass frames. There are all sorts of options from modern and sleek to colorful and artsy that will let you express your personality.

Listen To Music

Over the last few years, studies have shown that music can assist in productivity. How does music impact one’s creativity? According to a study summarized by Berkeley’s Greater Good Magazine, individuals who listen to happy music have shown enhanced innovation and creative thinking over those who work in silence. How our mindset plays a role in our work connects to our mood and productivity in many ways. This particular study suggests that uplifting music can improve problem-solving skills by slightly altering our mindset.

Listen to Music

Now, to each their own. Everyone has different preferences when it comes to their work environment. However, if you feel you’re in a creative rut and want to try something new, plug in your headphones and play some cheery tunes. Making sure you can collectively stay inventive and productive in the workplace is the end goal.

Cross-Functional Collaboration

Cross-Functional Collaboration

Productivity is influenced by many factors. Understanding what communication tools can improve your production at work will set you up for success. And nothing stimulates creativity like bouncing ideas off your peers, especially in the workplace. It’s incredibly important to have collaborative conversations with others to discover new solutions. With an open mind, these conversations can offer endless possibilities. By putting aside a few minutes of your day to converse with others, you’re opening yourself up to a lot of potential.

Whether within an internal team or across departments, different perspectives and experiences can ignite new ideas. If your workplace doesn’t currently have opportunities for collaboration, speak to a supervisor and look into setting one up. If you’d like to start on a smaller scale, set up a call or meeting with direct co-workers or work friends. Spend a few minutes talking about your current projects or obstacles and see what input they have to offer. You may surprise yourself with the good that can come from a quick conversation.

Create Comfort From Discomfort

Surprisingly, creativity is often derived from an uncomfortable situation. Think about it: if you’re working on a project and you’re comfortable with the work you’re doing, you may not be looking to improve or try new things. If you’re given an ultimatum or a new goal to meet, this is where you may feel pressured to pivot and reimagine a solution. While you can’t turn creativity on and off like a simple switch, there is an incentive from conflict or discomfort.

creativity in the workplace

It’s not an ideal situation to be uncomfortable, but you can better manage your stress by creating a comfortable space to work in. For example, you now have to work harder to reach a goal that seems out of reach. By creating a safe space at work, you can allow your creativity to truly flow. This can be a few pictures on your desk or even a more comfortable chair. Some individuals believe having a calendar or a to-do list will help them track their progress and hold them accountable. Find whatever will keep you on track and use it to your benefit. 

In the end, we all have what it takes to be creative. Whether you’re an accountant, doctor, or artist, creativity is the key to innovation and potential. Take a breath, go through the motions, and find what makes your creative juices flow.

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