Reimagining the way you save.
Save anything. Literally.
Drag and drop or tap to save links, photos, notes, and any kind of media together in one visual folder.
Find stuff faster.
Add custom titles, descriptions, and images to what you save to find it quickly. Discover bubbled up suggestions related to links you view.
Collaborate and share.
Invite friends or family to your folders to contribute and react. Or create a customizable visual collection of your content, called a roll, that’s viewable by anyone.
Stay locked in to your content.
Bublup is available on iOS, Android, and most desktop browsers, so you’ll have access to your stuff.
Import bookmarks from your browser.
Easily import links you already saved from Chrome, Safari, or Firefox.
You can close all those tabs now.
Easily save any link while you browse with Bublup’s browser extensions for Chrome and Edge.
Folders for every room and space.
Renovating your living room or building a deck takes planning. Make it easier by saving everything you need in Bublup folders and subfolders. Share individual folders with friends or family, and keep others private.
Easily save your content via drag and drop on desktop, the Chrome extension, or mobile sharing on your iOS or Android device.
Sharing has never been this easy.
Share workout routines, healthy meals, or fitness progress with friends by inviting them to a group folder. Comment on individual items or folders, add fun emojis, or @mention to collaborate on anything.
You can also share collections of your folder content, called rolls, in just a few clicks. Customize it with themes and colors, then share with a single link to anyone.