
Get one app to organize your life.

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personal organization app bublup

All file types welcome

Our all-in-one organization app provides a home for all your digital content. Instantly save, store, and visually organize all your photos, videos, links, and documents in one place. The secret sauce? You can save links and photos, next to files and documents side-by-side.

share with the touch of a button
vacation planning app

Organize with visual folders

What sets Bublup apart, is that no matter what you save, files, documents, photos, links, and more- it’s all visual. Each item is saved with an image attached, providing the ultimate visual organization experience. Don’t like the image that was automatically generated for your item or folder, simply upload your own or pick a new one using our built-in image finder.

Collaboration and sharing made simple

Share folder content with others with a single link, or invite friends, family, or coworkers to your folders and control who can view and edit the content for a fun and collaborative experience.

share with the touch of a button
Organize with visual folders

Organization has never been so easy

We designed Bublup with an easy-to-use interface so that anyone can jump right in and start getting organized. Even your grandmother will have no problem using Bublup to save, organize, and share.

Ways users organize with Bublup

icon mood boards


icon mood boards


icon mood boards


icon mood boards


Ready to get started?

Get Creative With Bublup Today

Bublup offers the perfect balance between organization and inspiration and can help you accomplish all of your creative projects. Start your next mood board, interior design plan, photography, or graphic design project with us today.

Sign up today and find inspiration for your next project with

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